รู้หรือไม่ ตามกฎหมายของฟินแลนด์ ชาวต่างชาติสามารถเรียนฟรี ณ สถานศึกษาต่างๆ เพียงเลือกเรียนหลักสูตรภาษาฟินนิช หรือ สวิดิช ผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการชำระเพียงค่าเรียนภาษาและค่าดูแลนักเรียนในฟินแลนด์ ผู้ปกครองเพียงต้องเตรียมค่าใช้จ่ายอื่นๆ เช่น ค่าใบอนุญาตการพำนักในฟินแลนด์ ค่าเครื่องบิน ค่าประกันสุขภาพและการเดินทาง เป็นต้น ค่าครองชีพ 3.5 แสนต่อปี พร้อมมี Finclass แนะนำการเรียนจนได้มาเรียนต่อ
ภาพรวมโปรแกรม (อัพเดต 21.05.2023)
เนื่องจากปี 2022 โครงการได้รับการตอบรับเป็นอย่างดี สำหรับ มิถุนายน 2023 เป็นต้นไป โครงการเรียนต่อได้พัฒนาระบบการเรียนใหม่ 2.0 ซึ่งผู้เรียนสามารถเลือกเรียนออนไลน์ภาษาฟินนิชหรือสวิดิช 12 เดือน หรือ เลือกบินมาเรียนภาษา ณ ประเทศฟินแลนด์เป็นเวลา 4 เดือน (เรียนภาษาออนไลน์อย่างน้อย 2 เดือน) จากนั้นจึงขอยื่นสัมภาษณ์ภาษากับทางโรงเรียน และบินมาเรียนต่อ ม.4 ณ ประเทศฟินแลนด์ช่วงกลางปี ส.ค. – ก.ย. หรือ ต้นปี ม.ค. – ก.พ.
การเรียนออนไลน์จะใช้เวลาเรียน 12 เดือนสำหรับการเรียนแบบปกติ เมื่อผู้เรียนเรียนจบโครงการ จะสามารถเลือกสมัครเรียนต่อโรงเรียน จากตัวเลือกโรงเรียนมากกว่า 100 แห่ง สามารถเริ่มขั้นตอนการขอใบอนุญาตการพักอาศัยในฟินแลนด์ และบินมาเรียน ณ ประเทศฟินแลนด์ โดยมีฟินคลาสคอยแนะแนวการเตรียมตัว จนได้บินมาเรียนต่อ
*ฟรี ค่าเรียนตลอดหลักสูตร อาหารกลางวันที่โรงเรียน ค่าหนังสือ (มี Laptop และหนังสือให้ยืมเรียน) ตามกฎหมายฟินแลนด์ สามารถทำงานระหว่างเรียนได้ 30 ชม. ต่ออาทิตย์* มีสิทธิ์อยู่ต่อทำงาน 2 ปี หลังเรียนจบ และเรียนฟรีหลักสูตรภาษาฟินนิชในระดับมหาวิทยาลัย
ผู้สนใจโครงการสามารถติดต่อเราได้ทาง @finclassofficial เพื่อเจ้าหน้าที่จะช่วยวางแผนการเรียนให้สามารถบินมาเรียนต่อในปีที่ต้องการ
เนื่องจากปี 2022 ได้รับการตอบรับเป็นอย่างดี สำหรับ มิถุนายน 2023 เป็นต้นไป โครงการเรียนต่อได้พัฒนาระบบการเรียนใหม่ 2.0 ซึ่งผู้เรียนสามารถเลือกเรียนออนไลน์ภาษาฟินนิชหรือสวิดิช 12 เดือน หรือ เลือกบินมาเรียนภาษา ณ ประเทศฟินแลนด์เป็นเวลา 4 เดือน (ต้องเรียนภาษาออนไลน์อย่างน้อย 2 เดือน) จากนั้นจึงจะขอยื่นสัมภาษณ์ภาษากับทางโรงเรียน และบินมาเรียนต่อสายอาชีพ ณ ประเทศฟินแลนด์ (ทาง Finclass สามารถคอนเฟิร์มว่า รร.เปิดในช่วงที่นร.ต้องการบินมาเรียนต่อหรือไม่)
การเรียนออนไลน์จะใช้เวลาเรียน 12 เดือนสำหรับการเรียนแบบปกติ เมื่อผู้เรียนเรียนจบโครงการ จะสามารถเลือกสมัครเรียนต่อโรงเรียน จากตัวเลือกโรงเรียนตามที่สถาบันภาษา Finest Future ได้ให้ไว้ สามารถเริ่มขั้นตอนการขอใบอนุญาตการพำนักอาศัยในฟินแลนด์ และบินมาเรียน ณ ประเทศฟินแลนด์ โดยมีฟินคลาสคอยแนะแนวการเตรียมตัว จนได้บินมาเรียนต่อ
*ฟรี ค่าเรียนตลอดหลักสูตร ค่าอาหารจันทร์-ศุกร์ที่โรงเรียน ค่าหอพักในโรงเรียนบางแห่ง ค่าหนังสือ (มี Laptop และหนังสือให้ยืมเรียน) ตามกฎหมายฟินแลนด์ สามารถทำงานระหว่างเรียนได้ 30 ชม. ต่ออาทิตย์* มีสิทธิ์อยู่ต่อทำงาน 2 ปี หลังเรียนจบ และเรียนฟรีหลักสูตรภาษาฟินนิชในระดับมหาวิทยาลัย
ผู้สนใจโครงการสามารถติดต่อเราได้ทาง @finclassofficial เพื่อเจ้าหน้าที่จะช่วยวางแผนการเรียนให้สามารถบินมาเรียนต่อในปีที่ต้องการ
- ไม่จำกัดอายุ ช่วงอายุที่แนะนำ คือ ระหว่าง 13-45 ปี
- จะต้องเรียนจบ ม.3 ก่อนวันเริ่มเรียนต่อ ณ สถาบันการศึกษาในฟินแลนด์ มีวุฒิม.3 หรือ เทียบเท่าเมื่อทำการเลือกโรงเรียนในฟินแลนด์
- สามารถเอกสารเอกสารสำคัญที่จำเป็นต้องใช้ Passport หรือ สำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชนของตนเอง หรือผู้ปกครอง เพื่อยืนยันตัวตน และใช้ในการร่างสัญญาสมัครโครงการในกรณีที่สอบสัมภาษณ์ผ่าน
- หากสัมภาษณ์ผ่านสามารถเริ่มเรียนในโครงการภายใน 2 เดือน
- เมื่อต้องทำวีซ่านักเรียน จะต้องมี Bank Statement หรือ หนังสือรับรองสถานะทางการเงิน ที่แสดงให้เห็นว่ามีเงินสำรองเพียงพอต่อการใช้ชีวิตในฟินแลนด์ที่ 6,720 ยูโร หรือ 250,000 บาท ต่อปี ตามกำหนดของ The Immigration Office of Finland (Migri) สามารถอ่านได้จาก www.migri.fi
- สามารถแสดงเอกสารสำคัญที่จำเป็นต้องใช้ยื่นสมัครเข้าเรียนณ สถาบันการศึกษาของประเทศฟินแลนด์ได้ เช่น วุฒิการศึกษา ใบแสดงผลการเรียน Passport สำเนาบัตรประจำตัวประชาชน เป็นต้น
- ประสานงาน กรอกใบสมัครโครงการ
- แนะนำการสัมภาษณ์เข้าโครงการ
- แนะนำการเรียนภาษาออนไลน์ในทุกระดับ
- ช่วยคัดเลือกแนะนำโรงเรียน และการกรอกใบสมัครโรงเรียน /ที่พัก
- แนะนำการยื่นเอกสารการขอใบพำนักในฟินแลนด์สำหรับนักเรียน และ Bank statement
- แนะนำสายการบิน และการเตรียมตัวเดินทางมายังประเทศฟินแลนด์ เช่น การซื้อซิม โทรศัพท์ การทำบัตร ID การเปิดบัญชีที่ฟินแลนด์
- จัดให้ชมหัวข้อ Living in Finland ก่อนบิน
- ช่วยประสานงานให้มี Guardian ดูแล ณ เมืองที่อยู่
- ช่วยให้เข้ากลุ่ม Thai Student Club นักเรียนไทยในมหาวิทยาลัยในเครือ
- ต้อนรับที่สนามบินและโรงเรียน
- แนะแนวเรียนต่อมหาวิทยาลัยฟินแลนด์ ณ มหาวิทยาลัยในเครือฟรี (หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษ)
เราช่วยดำเนินการยื่น ขอใบอนุญาตพำนักอาศัยในประเทศฟินแลนด์ หรือ Residence Permit สำหรับผู้ที่แนะนำเพื่อนให้สมัครเข้าโครงการ จะได้รับเงินสนับสนุนระหว่างเรียน ณ ประเทศฟินแลนด์
สามารถชำระเต็มจำนวน หรือ แบ่งชำระได้ อ่านรายละเอียดโครงการ ค่าใช้จ่าย รายชื่อโรงเรียน และดูตารางวัน Webinars ของโครงการได้ที่นี่
รายชื่อโรงเรียนมัธยมปลาย (High School)
For information about the city of Pori please visit:
Short facts about Pori:
Population – 84.000
Harbour City
Good transportation to other cities via train, bus or plane. Roughly 3 hours to Helsinki
Student apartments can be rent for example from YH-Asunnot:
Janakkala High School is perfectly located in Southern Finland midway between capital Helsinki and the 3rd biggest city Tampere, and next to cities Hämeenlinna and Riihimäki. It takes only an hour to travel from Janakkala to Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The railway track is just a two minute walk from our school.
Janakkala High School is a community of 260 students (100 in Tervakoski branch, 160 in Turenki branch) and 40 teachers.
Our General High School Programme offers quality teaching and our teachers support you on your way to the Finnish matriculation examination (the final tests) but also on your way to applying into universities and further studies after high school.
Our Sports Programme is a perfect choice if you’re interested in combining your goal-oriented sports hobby and high school studies. Our sports programme includes extra sports lessons and training your own sports with our sports coach.
Students study in Finnish, study English and can also choose Swedish, French, German and Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese and Italy. The school participates in international projects and cooperation, offers entrepreneurship studies and practices ICT skills in many ways.
Accommodation & Expenses
Our municipality will find you an apartment. The apartment is located just a short walking distance from school and the supermarkets and pharmacy can almost be seen from the apartment!
The cost will be around 300-500 euros / month including the usage of water and electricity costs. We can offer you an apartment for your own or one to share with some other international student (which will lower the costs). We will help you with every step!
We offer you:
– General High School or Sports specialized High School
– The regular high school courses but also almost 70 school’s own, special courses to choose from
– School supplies, including a laptop
– A bicycle to make moving around easier
– Free school lunch (mon-fri)
– School tutors
– Free time mentors (adult, educated youth workers) who are available 24/7
– Meet and greet at the airport: We’ll guide you from there!
– Well organized first weeks including tutoring at school and help with getting to know our town, finding your free time hobbies, the first visit to a pharmacy, supermarket, getting your apartment finished for you…
– Cozy, communal high school environment where help is always available!
Welcome to our warm community!
If you have any questions, please email
sara.suomi@edu.janakkala.fi / deputy principal of Janakkala High School
Please apply to our school with guidance from Finest Future. We would also like to receive a motivation letter or video from you by 31st of March. No references required. The motivation letter / video can be written/ spoken in English but we’d like you to include a little Finnish in your letter, as well. Preferably your motivation letter is under 1000 characters / under 2 minutes.
High school in the Art Town of Mänttä-Vilppula
In our school you can study in multiple ways and choose for instance preparatory courses in medicine and also art, music and sports. There is a large number of courses available at Mänttä High School for art, music and sports. How would it sound to have for instance ice hockey and boxing connected to your studies, playing in bands or studying and making art?
You can choose versatile courses in art and music and study at the Top Sports Academy at Mänttä High School. In art, we work together with the Autere Adult Education Centre, the Serlachius Museum and Mänttä Art Festival. The Merikanto Music Institution is our partner in music and in sports we work with SASKY (Municipal Education and Training Consortium) and with the local sports clubs.
You can find a pleasant library at our school where you can study and spend your breaks. There is also a small kitchen meant for the students.
All the high school students receive a laptop, digital studying material and school books at the beginning of their studies. The school also serves a free lunch every school day.
The Art Town of Mänttä-Vilppula is a lively small town in Pirkanmaa, about 90 kilometres from Tampere and Jyväskylä. Our town has culture and art, beautiful nature and plenty of opportunities for hobbies.
Our students have done well in the matriculation examination through the years. In many subjects, when comparing high schools, we are above the national average. Your success at school is extremely important for us. Thus our teachers and student counsellor offer you continuous guidance with your studies and help you plan your course selection depending on your future studies.
We work with multiple different higher education partners so you can take orientation studies, university courses and study units already while studying at the high school. These are accepted as a part of your upper secondary degree.
Expenses and hobbies
Some typical expenses would be:
- Food and beverages: 200 euros / month
- Mobile phone plan with unlimited data: 30 euros / month
- Leisure activities: 50-100 euros / month (cinema, art gallery, gym etc.)
Honkajoen lukio is a small upper secondary school in northern Satakunta, in the heart of Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas Unesco Global Geopark. In Honkajoen lukio the students have a possibility to take environmental education studies, focusing on environmental sciences and know-how. In addition, we also implement entrepreneurship education. Studies in environmental education make one understand sustainable living and its career prospects. A major part of environmental education will be hands-on experience in environmental research and fieldwork.
Due to its small size we provide a safe and cosy community. Well-being of the students is very important to us. We arrange excursions and outdoor activity days regularly. We also provide circumstances to many sports: a gym, an athletics field, a multi-use games area, and an ice rink and cross-country skiing tracks in winter.
We have cooperation with universities. Our students have a chance to take part in university studies and even to get a place to study (nursing science or technology).
Accommodation: there are affordable apartments for rent nearby. Average rent for a studio (single-room) is 350 euros, but it might be wise to rent a bigger apartment together with a fellow student. The rent for an apartment with three rooms and a kitchen varies from 500 to 800 euros. Be prepared to pay one month’s rent as a rent security deposit.
SUBJECTS, study points (compulsory, optional)
- mother tongue and literature
- Finnish
- Finnish as a second language
- mathematics (advanced and basic syllabus)
- English (language starting in grades 1-6 of basic education)
- Swedish
- languages starting in grades 7-9 of basic education: German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian
- physics
- chemistry
- philosophy
- history
- social studies
- biology
- geography
- psychology
- religion
- health education
- physical education
- visual arts
- music
- general upper secondary education diplomas in physical education, visual arts, music and home economics
- guidance counselling
- thematic studies e.g.hygiene passport, home economics
- environmental education e.g. sustainable development, natural resources, environmental research
- entrepreneurship education e.g. marketing communications and customer service, circular economy
Joroinen High School is for students who are interested in things like languages, internationality and entrepreneurship.
Our school days are from 8 or 9am to 4.30 pm. We have 75-minute classes and about 10-minute breaks in between.
The school serves a hot meal every day in our dining hall
During their studies, some of our students have an opportunity to work at the local salad and herb greenhouse Famifarm Ltd, Järvikylä (jarvikyla.fi). In addition, there is a big need for seasonal workers on the nearby farms in the spring and summer.
Expenses and hobbies
Some typical expenses would be:
Food and beverages: 200 euros / month
Mobile phone plan with unlimited data: 30 euros / month
Hobbies: 5 euros / month (e.g. gym, badminton, discgolf).
Golf: The golf season normally runs from April to October. (Manor golf )
Here you can see the golf area from above. You can also explore other destinations on the same site.
Accommodation is possible in a shared flat. Everybody has an own room and the kitchen and bathroom are shared. The flat is furnished. It takes 10 minutes to walk to the school from the flat. The rent is 150 euros per month.
It is also possible to rent the apartment alone or with a friend or family, but then the rent will be higher.
Moving around
The distances in the village center are short only a few hundred meters. See this map in more detail.
It is so easy to get to Joroinen: Take the highway E5 from Helsinki, drive about 300km north-east and you will be there. Long distance buses (e.g. from Helsinki) come right to the centre of the village.
The distance from Joroinen to the nearest town, Varkaus is 16 km. To the bigger towns like Savonlinna it is 70 km, Mikkeli 70 km, and Kuopio 90 km
The Upper Secondary School of Forssa (Forssan yhteislyseo) was established in 1899, thus being the oldest rural secondary school in Finland.
The school and the city with surrouding areas offer possibilities to study, to hobby and even to work. Dozens of students abroad have studied in Forssan yhteislyseo during last 20 years. Principal Simo Veistola with high-quality and nice teachers offer safe, a diverse and high-quality learning environment for both Finnish and foreign students!
The building has been totally renovated some years ago. Forssan yhteislyseo has about 420 students. The staff includes 30 teachers.
Forssan yhteislyseo provides its students with general education at secondary level, which enables them to apply to all forms of higher education. Forssan yhteislyseo provides a wide selection of courses, there being approximately 200 different courses available.
Forssan yhteislyseo offers a wide selection of courses in different languages, such as Swedish, English, German, French, Russian, Italian and Spanish.
The variety of courses available makes it possible to specialize in practically any subject or study orientation.
You can apply study in the degree of the art and design.
Music and Sports offer a variety of courses to choose from. We have a band, see e.g. Christmas concert in 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfiqL3E8fTk. About 60 students belong to the Sport Academy (ice hockey, ringette, indoor bandy, basketball, athletics, gym, Finnish baseball etc.).
The study year contains 5 study periods (c. 7 weeks each). Students have different kind of time schedule in study periods. Students choose courses (and even teachers!) according to their interests.
Forssan yhteislyseo has the Erasmus accreditation status (only some high schools in Finland has the status!). The exchange cooperates with schools in Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Spain, Romania and Bulgaria. Thus, exchange students are a big part of school.
Forssan yhteislyseo closely cooperates with e.g. Häme university of applied sciences, the Natural Resources Institute Finland and the enterprises in the region of southwestern Häme.
Forssan yhteislyseo has exchange students every year.
Keuruun lukio is a learning environment for approximately 150 students. The relatively small size of our school, as well as the friendly atmosphere, provide safety and support whenever needed.
Our highly qualified staff includes teachers, special education teachers, a school nurse, a social worker and psychologist who are all ready to help you with your studies. Our expert staff and the school’s modern facilities are indeed our main assets. The well-being of our students is very important to us and due to our school’s rather small size we provide a safe and cosy community. We arrange excursions and outdoor activity days regularly to further build the sense of community.
Keuruun lukio provides its students with general education at secondary level, which enables them to apply to all forms of higher education. We provide a wide selection of courses and the variety of courses available makes it possible to specialize in practically any subject or study orientation.
Our entrepreneurial line of study offers you a unique opportunity to plan your own business. The entrepreneurial program consists of eleven special courses during which you learn many things about starting your own business, whether big or small, and you will meet interesting business people who will give you useful tips and insights into the business world.
The Sports program is a perfect choice if you’re interested in combining your goal-oriented sports hobby and high school studies. Our sports program includes extra sports lessons and training your own sports with our sports coach.
Keuruun lukio cooperates closely with universities. We work with multiple different higher education partners, and therefore, you are able to take orientation studies, university courses and study units already during your high school studies. These studies are accepted as a part of your upper secondary degree.
Some typical expenses would be:
- Food and beverages: 200 euros / month
- Mobile phone with unlimited data: 30 euros / month
- Leisure activities: 50-100 euros / month (cinema, art gallery, gym etc.)
Our municipality will find you an apartment. The average rent for a studio (single-room) is about 300 euros, but it might be wise to rent a bigger apartment together with a fellow student. The rent for an apartment with three rooms and a kitchen varies between 500 to 800 euros. Be prepared to pay one month’s rent as a rent security deposit.
We are also looking for host families at the moment.
Kankaanpään Yhteislyseo Upper Secondary School is a learning environment for approximately 200 students, located in the beautiful area of Unesco Global Geopark Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas.
The relatively small size of our school as well as the friendly atmosphere provide safety and support whenever needed. Our expert teaching staff and the school’s modern facilities are our main assets. Well-being of our students is very important to us. We arrange excursions and outdoor activity days on a regular basis.
Our focus lies on a wide general education but we also offer our students the possibility to take a wide range of optional courses in entrepreneurship education, environmental education, natural sciences and languages (English, Swedish, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese).
Kankaanpään Yhteislyseo excels in science courses. Our curriculum includes applied courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology alongside the national obligatory and optional courses.
We co-operate with universities and universities of applied sciences, which enables our students to enroll on university courses. Our students may even be admitted to some degree programs in the local university of applied sciences by passing a designated amount of university courses during their upper secondary education (nursing / technology).
There are affordable rental apartments nearby. Average rent for a studio (single-room) is 350 euros, but it might be wise to rent a bigger apartment together with a fellow student. The rent for an apartment with three rooms and a kitchen varies from 500 to 800 euros. Be prepared to pay one month’s rent as a rent security deposit.
Welcome to Pello, small town on the border of Sweden. Pellon lukio (high school) operates in a new building called Meän Opinahjo. In the same building operates also our primary school. Pello High School is a community of 30-40 students and 12-14 teachers. Students study in Finnish.
Our General High School Programme offers quality teaching and our teachers support you on your way to the Finnish matriculation examination (the final tests) but also on your way to applying into universities and further studies after high school. Studygroups are small, about 10-15 students. In our small high school, teaching is individualised and support for learning is easily available.
The high-school curriculum is spanned over three years, but the study duration can be shortened or lengthened. The period cannot exceed four years, unless an extension is granted to the student for a justified reason. High-school studies build on the curriculum of basic education. 75 is the minimum number of courses for high-school studies.
In Pello we have multiple hobbies to choose from on your free time. For example you can learn to play some instrument, or take a handycraft or dancing course in Meän Opisto (community college). If you like to spend time outdoor, you can go skiing, snowmobiling, fishing or hiking. It’s also possible to play frisbeegolf and archery.
Links to videos etc. that our students have made for you:
What you can find around Pello
Arts, technical subjects, music and lab in Pello
See also principal’s introduction in Youtube.
Expenses and Accommodation
Accommodation is in local families to underaged students (under 18 years old). The cost is 100-200 euros/month. Unfortunately at the moment we don’t have a student residence. For over 18 years old students we have rental apartments. The cost will be around 300-500 euros / month including the usage of water and electricity costs.
Mobile phone costs with unlimited data about 20-25€/month.
Food and beverages 100-200€/month.
School Gym is free of costs.
We offer you:
– Free school supplies, including a laptop
– Free finnish drivers licence
– Free school lunch (mon-fri)
– small studygroups
– Free time mentors (adult, educated youth workers)
– individualised teaching and support
– Well organized first weeks including tutoring at school and help with getting to know our town, finding your free time hobbies, getting your apartment finished for you etc.
– Cozy, communal high school environment where help is always available!
– Beautiful nature and four seasons to experience
Welcome to our warm community!
Rantasalmi High School is a small and friendly school in eastern Finland by Lake Saimaa. We have very qualified teachers. The student counselor, the school curator and the school psychologist work there in the same building for you, too. Every student receives an own laptop for the studying time and the students borrow the school books from the local library or get an electric license for studying material from their teacher, depending on the subject. The school lunch is free. Studying at our school has no expenses.
Accommodation is possible in a shared flat. Everybody has an own room and the kitchen and bathroom are shared. The flat is furnished. It takes 10 minutes to walk to the school from the flat. The rent is 180 euros per month. The students may take extra lunches from the school kitchen for the evening and for weekends.
The school days are from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm. After the school day you may join to the music theater lessons as an actor (acting, singing and dancing three times a week) or a musician in the orchestra (once a week) if you want. Also it is possible to study studio technology after the school day. These studies are also free for our students. Gym, indoor ice rink and sports field are nearby as well as jogging, skiing and skating routes. Gym is free for the new students. The indoor ice rink has a small cost (2eur/time). There is a youth house in the village center to spend time together. It is also possible for a student to get financial support for one chargeable hobby in Rantasalmi.
Every graduated student will receive a grant of 500 euros from the local education foundation.
It is possible to travel to Rantasalmi by bus. The nearest cities (Savonlinna and Varkaus) locate 42 kilometres away from our municipality.
Rautjärvi is a beautiful small town at the Eastern Finland. With plenty of forests and Simpelejärvi on one side and river Hiitolanjoki on the other, Rautjärvi is place with natural beauty and relaxing atmosphere. There are good possibilities for hiking in Haukkavuori, fishing and swimming in Simpelejärvi and Hiitolanjoki and cycling in Simpele region. There is also an active local soccer team and a team for athletes. Soccer field and athletic field are located next to the school. In the winter there is a good ski trail network, possibilities for ice skating and a small ski slop.
Rautjärvi can be accessed by train and by bus. Trains to and from Helsinki run three times a day, travel time approx. 3 hours. The nearest cities are Imatra 40 kilometers south, Lappeenranta 80 kilometers south and Savonlinna 80 kilometers to the northwest of Simpele, all accessible by bus.
Studying at the Rautjärvi upper secondary high school is free. School offers a laptop and school books to use for the time of studies. Lunch is offered at school on school days free of charge.
Rautjärvi upper secondary high school offers accomodation for foreign students free of charge. Appartments are shared units for 2-3 students with private bedrooms, a shared kitchen and a shared bathroom.
There is a 5 minute walk from the appartments to the school. Grocery stores and the pharmacy are situated at the center of the town, a 10 minute walk away from the apparments. The nearest bus stop is right outside the appartments and the train station is a 20 minute walk away.
Sallan lukio (high school) operates at the School Centre, on the same property as the Sallatunturi School. The high school was founded in 1966. High-school studies build on the syllabus of basic education. 75 is the minimum number of courses for high-school studies, and the adult track is 44 courses.
The high-school syllabus can also be completed by taking specific tests. The syllabus is spanned over three years, but the study duration can be shortened or lengthened. The period cannot exceed four years, unless an extension is granted to the student for a justified reason.
Sallan lukio offers all national mandatory courses, specialisation courses, as well courses in applied studies. In a small high school, teaching is individualised and support for learning is easily available.
The high school at Salla has been operating since 2007 as an international-border high school. This means that students from Russia are also attending. This helps to keep the high school more vibrant and means we can offer a wider selection of courses.
A local high-school education curriculum has been created for the municipality of Salla, based on the national curriculum criteria.
In addition, the high school offers an adult track, where one can complete certain studies or the entire high-school syllabus. If you are interested in the adult track, please contact the director of the high school or guidance counsellor.
Accommodation in student residence.
Savitaipale is a small community on the southern banks of Lake Kuolimo in southeastern Finland. Our upper secondary school offers a high-quality learning experience in safe and modern facilities. Our teachers are highly motivated and group sizes are small, which enables us to place more emphasis on the individual. We also take a lot of pride in our team spirit here – our students not only enjoy studying with one another, but also like to spend time together in their free time. All of this has enabled us to achieve excellent results in the matriculation exam.
Our lessons are scheduled from 8 am to 3 pm from Monday to Friday so our students also get plenty of free time. Savitaipale offers a lot of different and affordable ways to be active and the nearest town of Lappeenranta is 40 km from here.
A laptop, school books, school lunch and all teaching are provided free of charge for our students.
We can offer furnished apartments with a private bedroom and a shared kitchen and bathroom nearby our school for 50 euros a month.
Make a deal of a lifetime and come to study at Sulkava High School!
Sulkava High School is the place for you if you want your studies to be more than just theory. Choosing the entrepreneurial line of study offers you a unique opportunity to plan your own business, to brand it – even to make it happen in reality! The entrepreneurial line consists of nine special courses during which you learn many things about starting your own business, you meet interesting business people and travel around Finland.
Qualified teachers, special education teacher, school nurse and school social worker are here to help you with your studies. We provide you with all books and materials and a laptop, a warm meal on school days and free health care. Students also get free access to the gym.
Mobile phone costs with unlimited data about 20€/month.
Food and beverages 100-200€/month.
Gym is free of costs.
Accommodation 180-300€ /month
We will help you with your accommodation. You will find a shared flat, furnished for three students, within walking distance, and bedsits to let on the private market. The prices vary from 180 euros to 300 euros per month.
Library, high school and sports center with an outdoor area create our school campus. Grocery stores, restaurants and the health centre are within short walking distance.
Nearest town is Savonlinna, about 38 km, bigger towns are Mikkeli, 75 km, Kuopio 150 km and Helsinki 300 km from Sulkava. There will be regular bus or taxi transport from Sulkava to Savonlinna.
Sulkava High School is the place to be!
Vimpeli High School (Vimpelin lukio) is located in western Finland, about 400 km from Helsinki and 80 km from Seinäjoki. The high school was founded in 1943.
In our small high school, teaching is individual and support for learning is readily available. A local high-school education curriculum has been created in the municipality of Vimpeli, based on the national curriculum criteria.
Vimpelin lukio was the best high school in the province in last year’s matriculation exam.
Vimpeli High School offers all nationwide compulsory and optional studies.
Subjects studied at Vimpeli High School
Obligatory: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, History, Civics, Religion, Philosophy, Finnish and Literature, Music, Art, Physical Education, Health Education, Psychology and Student Councelling
Language programme in Vimpeli High School
Obligatory: English (advanced) and Swedish (intermediate)
Optional: German ( elementary and intermediate), French (elementary), Spanish (elementary), Russian (elementary) and Japanese (elementary).
Optional basketball line and Finnish baseball line
Our Sports Programme is a perfect choice if you’re interested in combining your goal-oriented sports hobby and high school studies. Our sports programme includes extra sports lessons and training your own sports with our sports coach. The specialty of our high school is a basketball line and a Finnish baseball line.
Vimpeli High School has partner schools in Japan and France.
Accommodation & Expenses
We will help you with your accommodation. You will find a shared flat, furnished for one or two or three students, within a walking distance (300 m) from the school. You can also rent a studio apartment. The prices vary from 130 euros to 300 euros per month.
We have very qualified teachers. The student counselor, the school social worker and the school psychologist work here in the same building for you, too. Every student receives their own laptop for the studying time and students can borrow school books from the local library or get an electric license for studying material from their teacher, depending on the subject.
Studying is free, and we offer you:
Free lunch
Free snack
Free learning materials
Free textbooks
Free e-learning environment
Free student health care
Free time mentors (adult) who are available 24/7. They help with any problems.
Please apply to our school with guidance from Finest Future. We would also like to receive a motivation letter from you. The motivation letter can be written in English but we’d like you to write a little Finnish in your letter as well. Preferably your motivation letter has 1000-2500 characters. In addition, we require a motivation video – one minute in Finnish language. These must be sent no later than April 29, 2022.
Link to the post-recorded webinar:
If you have any questions, please email:
marko.timo@alajarvi.fi / principal of Vimpeli High School
Welcome to the municipality of heroes!
Taavetti High School has been doing well in the matriculation examination through the years. In many subjects, when compared to Finnish high schools, we are well above the national average. Your success at school is extremely important to us. Thus our teachers and student counsellor offer you continuous guidance with your studies and help you plan your course selection depending on your future career aspirations and studies in mind. We are looking for highly motivated students, and require that students gain on average 50 credits per year.
Apart from all the mandatory subjects, our school offers you a wide selection of study units in modern European languages and in business studies, some of which include an opportunity to hands-on working experience through our school co-operative and a chance to study trips, both locally and internationally. We work with the higher education institutions in our region (LUT, LAB). You can take orientation studies, university courses and study units already while studying at the high school. These are accepted as a part of your upper secondary degree.
Students receive a laptop, digital studying material and school books for their studies. The school serves a free lunch every school day. Students also get free access to the gym in Taavetti-halli.
Expenses and hobbies
Some typical expenses would be:
Food and beverages: 200 euros / month
Mobile phone plan with unlimited data: 30 euros / month
Hobbies: free of charge or minor fees (e.g. gym, badminton, discgolf)
Accommodation is possible in a shared flat. Everybody has their own room, and the kitchen and bathroom are shared. The flat is furnished and well-equipped. The rent is 150-300 euros per month.
Your flat is situated within a few minutes’ walking distance to the school, and in a close vicinity of grocery stores, restaurants, a health care center, and the local library. There is a sports center with an outdoor area and an indoor ice rink on the school campus, too.
Lauttakylä Upper Secondary School is a versatile and reputable upper secondary offering a vast selection of courses in all the subjects. Thus, we guarantee a student’s success both in the matriculation examination and in further studies.
Good results in the matriculation examination will guarantee you a surefire entry in universities or universities of applied sciences.
Alongside the extensive selection of natural sciences and languages, we aim to focus on international activities. Currently, we are participating in two Erasmus+ projects and one Nordplus undertaking.
Besides participating in projects, a special course, “Being International”, and a course introducing international cuisines are both part of our international studies. “International Cuisines” teaches you to prepare food from all over the world.
The annual course on “Young Entrepreneurship” continues our long tradition of entrepreneurial studies. Within entrepreneurship, we also offer you an on-line study unit in business.
Known for its team spirit, Lauttakylä Upper Secondary School is a unique community in which you are taken care by the school physician, the school psychologist and the school nurse.
With approximately 10 000 inhabitants, Lauttakylä Upper Secondary School is located in the center of Huittinen in Satakunta. Although a rural town, ample amenities are close to you. All the central places can be reached on foot. In the vicinity of the centre, there are five rivers bringing nature close to you. Pristine nature offers you daily opportunities for exercise, picking healthy and clean Finnish berries, for example. As for safety, Huittinen is indeed a very safe place to live in.
Job opportunities
For a small town, there are plenty of services in Huittinen, shops and fast food restaurants which will employ a lot of students. In addition, there are many companies within food industry that need seasonal employees.
Freetime activities
In close proximity to our school, there is a vast selection of sports facilities: a public swimming pool, an indoor ice rink, a synthetic turf field for football, an athletics field, tennis courts, gyms, an indoor sports facility for badminton, padel and floorball, an e-sports arena, a bowling alley (including an opportunity for billiards, darts and minigolf) and an outdoor area for cross country skiing, mountain biking and hiking. Also, in Huittinen there are various sports clubs
providing inexpensive opportunities for practising and competing at least in volleyball ( a women’s team playing in the national level), football, gymnastics (a wide range of activities), floorball, ice hockey and ringette. Generally in wintertime, it is also possible to attend skiing school. If you feel like trying it, the basics for orienteering are available too. Additionally, Huittinen is an active center of horse riding with multiple riding schools and stables.
Also, the cinema and the library are at your disposal.
The local music academy and adult education centre offer an abundant selection of activities. Or, if you wish to take up more goal-directed hobbies, playing an instrument or studying song or dance, it is a possibility in Huittinen. The range of instruments to pick is wide as are the genres, you can go from pop to jazz or rock.
At the adult education centre, in the evenings, you can familiarize yourself with physical exercise, music or crafts as well as the Finnish way of living.
Some typical expenses would be:
• Food and beverages: 200 euros / month
• Mobile phone plan with unlimited data: 20 euros / month
• Hobbies: 20 – 50 euros / month
• Leisure activies: 50-100 euros / month
A typical one bedroom furnished student apartment costs around 220 euros / month. Please take a look at some example apartments from https://huittistenkaupunkiasunnot.fi/
Moving around
Huittinen is an important crossroads when it comes to traffic. We have excellent bus connections to major cities: Helsinki (about 180 km), Tampere (about 80 km) and Pori (about70 km).
IG: @lauttakylanlukio
Tik tok: @lauttakluk